“Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can’t make a rainbow, without a little rain.”
Spring is in the air… birds chirping, trees budding, and lawn mowers whirling.April showers have not only brought out the rainbows, but also helped the weeds grow.
And you know what that means: aching backs, stiff joints and muscle pain! Those joints and muscles that have been hibernating all winter are now begging for relief. So what can you do to get back that spring in your step?
Here are 5 ways to relieve joint and muscle pain quickly:
Take A Soak
Taking a hot bath is one way to warm up those tight and achy muscles and relax
them more quickly. The heat promotes better blood flow and increases circulation.
If you have any Epsom salts on hand toss in a couple of cups and soak a good 15
minutes. Epsom salts are high in magnesium and sulfates and are easily absorbed
through your skin. The combination of both will have you feeling good again in
no time.
Oil Your
Add omega-3 to your diet, they are known to decrease inflammation. 2-3
tablespoons of a high quality extra virgin olive oil per day is an alternative.
Lubricating the joints from the outside can be beneficial as well if you don’t
mind the olive oil on your skin. You can also add 3-5 drops of peppermint oil
to the olive oil, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Soothe With
Music is an easy, inexpensive,
and natural way to reduce the intensity of pain. Music that you enjoy can
release endorphins that relax you and distract you from your discomfort. And
the more you relax the more you release muscle tension.
Move It Away
When you experience pain your body releases adrenalin and automatically
tightens up. Numerous studies have shown that gentle exercises that stretch
your muscles can reduce soreness. Yoga, tai chi, or just walking can help to
relax the muscles. Avoid any strenuous exercises until you’ve recovered though
to avoid injury.
Rub On
Every household should have a bottle of arnica lotion on hand
in their medicine cabinet. It has natural pain relieving and healing
properties, reducing inflammation by stimulating white blood cell activity. And
it works quickly to relieve joint and muscle pain.
Disclaimer: Always consult a physician if you have severe muscle or joint pain or if you believe you’ve been injured. If you have pain that persists it’s a good idea to be evaluated by a health-care practitioner.